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Archaeological Replicas (PLI) and Reproductions (REP) of paleoloithic venus and small paleolithic figures and figurines regardless of their purpose or functionality.
Resin replica of the paleolithic (Aurignacian) ivory sculpture from Hohlenstein-Stadel (Germany), a figure with head of a cave lion with a partly human body, an Ice Age masterpiece (40,000 years old). Resin replica of the paleolithic...
Resin replica of a male figurine carved in mammoth ivory from the grave Brno II (Czech Republic). See also Dons Maps. Resin replica of a male figurine...
Lespugue venus paleolithic figurine (Gravettian period 26,000) resin replica, as it was found damaged in 1927 digging (Rideaux Cave, Lespugue, France). (5.75 - 2.28 - 1.85 in) Lespugue venus paleolithic figurine...
Bison licking insect. Resin replica of a prehistoric carving from Upper Paleolithic, found at Abri de la Madeleine (France). 15,000 BP. Original made in reindeer antler. (3,5 x 2,56 x 0,79 in). Bison licking insect. Resin replica...
The venus of Willendorf (Austria) is a gravettian upper paleolithic female figurine carved in limestone, dating back to 24-22,000 ya (4.72 - 2.36 - 1.96 in) The venus of Willendorf (Austria) is...