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(1) REPLICAS (PLI). A replica is an exact copy of an original or reproduction, made in resin, plaster or any other type of synthetic polymers by pouring moulds.
(2) REPRODUCTIONS (REP). Artefacts finely handcrafted using experimental archaeology (historically accurate technologies and materials). Reproduct...
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(1) REPLICAS (PLI). A replica is an exact copy of an original or reproduction, made in resin, plaster or any other type of synthetic polymers by pouring moulds.
(2) REPRODUCTIONS (REP). Artefacts finely handcrafted using experimental archaeology (historically accurate technologies and materials). Reproductions may be slightly different from the original and between one each other (no two are alike) .
Artifact code shows the category to which they belong: REProductions-REP, and PLI for rePLIcas.
Archaeological replicas (PLI) and reproductions (REP) grouped according to some common features or intended purpose.
Archeological Replicas (PLI) and reproductions (REP) themed by historical periods.
Archaeological replicas (PLI) and reproductions (REP) themed by the raw material in which the archaeological pieces were made of, regardless of the period to which they belong. The pieces with the PLI code are replicas (made of polymers) and those that begin with REP, reproductions (manufactured using the same raw material as the originals).
In preparation
Roman Bronzes in Spain, is a company created by José María Lagunas in 1992, dedicated to the production of archaeological reproductions in lost wax bronze, silver and gold. It arose from the encouragement and inspiration that its founder felt in 1992 when visiting the exhibition "Roman Bronzes of Spain" at the Palacio de Cristal del Retiro in Madrid. Since 1994, to the catalog of Roman pieces, were added those from a different cultural and chronological universe, the Iberian bronzes, as a result of the exhibition "El Mundo Íbero" held in Paris in 1997. Since then, archaeological reproductions have been made for museums, town halls, institutions, companies, individuals, etc. The collection, currently managed by the company Paleorama SL (®Paleomanias), presents a catalog of more than 300 pieces to which new ones will be added every year. If you are interested in archeological reproductions of roman, iberian and other bronzes from Spain, then you are in the right place here, with more than 300 figures.
Archeological replicas and reproductions for teaching archeology
A selection of prehistoric-inspired gifts and merchandise