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Venus gravetiense de Dolni Vestonice (Moravia, República Checha), elaborada en cerámica (arcilla cocida), con una antigüedad entre los 25 y 29.000 años.
Yes, you're right, we already know, we just forgot to translate the name in the english version since we used the Vestonice pattern to fill Avdeevo product page
While the description states that this is a Venus figurine from Dolni Vestonice, it's actually Venus figurine number 7 from Avdeevo, near Kursk, Russia. It's a very well done replica, and I'm very happy with it. Highly recommended!
15,70 €
20,66 €
47,93 €
20,66 €
20,66 €
18,18 €
23,97 €
55,37 €
7,44 €